Texas Organizing Project Condemns NRA and Trump’s Extremist Agenda at Dallas Annual Meeting

DALLAS – The Texas Organizing Project (TOP) strongly condemns the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) annual meeting in Dallas this weekend and former President Donald Trump’s extremist agenda that continues to fuel division and violence across the United States. TOP stands in solidarity with those advocating for comprehensive gun safety measures to address the urgent crisis of gun violence in our communities.

The NRA’s influence and rhetoric have long perpetuated a culture of fear and division, epitomized by their support of Donald Trump, who received more than $30 million from the NRA during his 2016 campaign. Under Trump’s leadership, the NRA intensified its fear-mongering and divisive rhetoric, casting Trump’s opponents in apocalyptic terms and inciting distrust and animosity. 

As the NRA gathers in Dallas, TOP highlights the stark contrast between the NRA’s agenda and the urgent need for gun safety reforms. The NRA’s influence has directly opposed measures that could prevent tragedies like the El Paso shooting, where a white supremacist targeted a predominantly Latino community, killing 22 people and injuring 24 others. This monstrous act, driven by racial hatred, underscores the profound impact of white supremacy and the pressing need for comprehensive gun control measures.

“Hosting the NRA’s annual meeting in Dallas is a painful reminder of the countless lives lost to gun violence and the NRA’s role in blocking basic safety measures,” said OEshay Hutchinson, a  community organizer with TOP’s Right2Justice campaign in Dallas County. “Donald Trump’s extremist agenda and the NRA’s relentless opposition to gun legislation prioritize profit over people, further endangering our communities.”

The NRA’s convention coincides with the anniversaries of the Santa Fe High School shooting and Uvalde tragedy in our state, where dozens of lives were horrifically cut short. These anniversaries serve as somber reminders of the urgent need for action. 

“We stand with the families affected by gun violence and demand meaningful change NOW!” Hutchinson continued. “The NRA and Trump’s words only serve to deepen the divide in our country and incite violence. But as Texans, we know we are stronger together! It’s time to put the safety and well-being of our communities ahead of the interests of the gun lobby. Let’s continue to build power and elect progressive community champions to every level of government. ALL Texans – regardless of our race, income, or ZIP Code – deserve to live in an environment free from the threat of gun violence.”


About Texas Organizing Project:

TOP organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit organizetexas.org.