TOP: “Honoring National Hispanic Heritage Month means acknowledging the full humanity of ALL who make up and elevate our Latino communities”

The following is a statement from Michelle Tremillo, Texas Organizing Project (TOP) Co-Executive Director, on the organization’s observance of National Hispanic Heritage Month this year:

“We can’t stand idly by at a time when morally bankrupt politicians are spewing vitriol and lies about migrants, particularly our Haitian Afro-Latino brothers and sisters, who are the latest target of Republican racist conspiracies intended to divide us. We show solidarity, speak out, and electorally send a strong message at the ballot box.

“Honoring National Hispanic Heritage Month means acknowledging the full humanity of ALL who make up and elevate our Latino communities — no matter the color of our skin, the language we speak, or what country we call home. It also means recognizing the growing cultural and political impact we Latinos are having in Texas and across the United States.

“TOP vehemently rejects this bigotry being spread against migrants and is responding by ramping up our organizing rooted in racial and economic justice, while mobilizing Black and Latino Texas voters to participate in what will be one of the most consequential elections of our lifetime.”

Andrea Osorio, TOP Education Fund Board Member, added:

“As a mother and proud Latina in Texas, I see firsthand the contributions our communities make, as working Latino families like mine are key to fueling the economic engine of our state. Yet, year after year, our increasingly-authoritarian state Republican leaders seek to diminish and divide us through hateful words and policy.

“Texans are worth more. And I am one of millions of Latinos in this state who is ready to build a future where housing is more affordable, healthcare is more accessible, public education is better supported, and our judicial system is more humane.

“At TOP, we choose to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month by remaining committed to manifesting an inclusive vision that gets us closer to our collective liberation.”


About Texas Organizing Project:

TOP organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

TOP Endorses Colin Allred for U.S. Senate: Texans deserve a true, people-powered leader

Today, Texas Organizing Project (TOP) announced its endorsement of Colin Allred for U.S. Senate.

Dr. Doshie Piper, TOP Board Co-President based in San Antonio, offered the following statement:

“When MAGA extremists like Ted Cruz continue to push their vile agenda intended to divide, diminish, and dehumanize working Black and Latino Texans, TOP members and supporters just don’t sit on the sidelines. We mobilize, vote, and fight back.

“Building a stronger, more progressive, and inclusive Texas means electing responsive leaders who will fight for a future where ALL in our state can thrive — no matter what part of Texas you live, the language you speak, or how much money you have in our pocket.

“That’s why TOP is proud to endorse Colin Allred, an accomplished civil rights attorney and member of Congress, who has shown he’s committed to championing issues important to our communities — such as good-paying jobs, quality public schools, legal system reform, and the expansion of healthcare access.”

Julie Alonzo-Rivera, TOP Board Member based in Dallas, added:

“Since his election in 2012, working Texans have seen for themselves how out-of-touch Ted Cruz is with the needs of everyday people. He’s too busy being a Trump lackey, and will say and do anything to gain ‘respect’ in the eyes of the far-right fringe.

“Meanwhile, through his work in Congress and in the community, Colin has demonstrated he’s a listener, leader, and humble public servant who truly believes in a Texas for all. 

“Along with millions of others across the country, TOP is ready to turn the page on unhinged Donald Trump and his MAGA loyalist ‘Cancun Cruz.’ Texans can trust Colin Allred to defend our rights and improve our quality of life.”


About Texas Organizing Project:

TOP organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

TOP Celebrates Movement Power This Labor Day

The following is a statement from Tempestt McHenry, Staff Union Co-President of Texas Organizing Project (TOP) located in Dallas County, on the organization’s observance of Labor Day this year:

“Make no mistake, it’s the ever-growing vibrancy of our labor movement that helps hold our country’s democracy together while driving its economic prosperity.

“This resurgence of organized labor we’re seeing is putting unprecedented pressure on wealthy mega-corporations and the political establishment to challenge racial capitalism and address equity and justice in ways they have not prior. It’s laying the groundwork for better wages, labor rights, worker protections, and a social safety net — which historically have provided many in our nation, particularly Black and Latino Americans, with an added sense of economic stability and security for generations.

“Now in TOP’s third year as a unionized workplace, we as an organization recognize unapologetically that workers’ rights are human rights. This assertion has and will continue to connect right to the soul of our year-round community organizing and electoral engagement work.”

Shyda Blake, TOP Staff Union Co-President based in Harris County, added:

“As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. famously stated, “All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.”

“At a volatile political time, when implementation of Donald Trump’s Project 2025 is not a distant possibility, we as workers will not have our voices silenced while our fundamental rights are stripped away.

“The millions of Black and Latino Texas workers who proudly reside in this state have the opportunity to flex the collective power required to create a future where ALL Texans can live free and thrive — regardless of our race, faith, gender, or preferred language. THAT is a future we are fighting for, because as proud workers, we are stronger together.”


About Texas Organizing Project:

TOP organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit