Rejoicing as Ben Spencer is almost free

TOP members are excited about the news this past week of Ben Spencer being closer to getting back his freedom. Ben is the son of longtime TOP member Lucille Spencer who for over 30 years has fought to get justice after his wrongful conviction.

Over the last six months, members have ramped up pressure with petitions, rallies, phone-a-thons, and a letter-writing campaign to make sure Ben gets his shot at freedom.

This progress would not be possible if it were not for the grassroots organizing of our members, ongoing support from community allies, Ben’s legal team, and the Dallas County District Attorney’s office supporting that the conviction be vacated.

TOP will continue to follow Ben’s journey and advocate for his full freedom so he can finally hug his mother Lucille after all these years. Stay tuned!

For more information on our Right2Justice campaign work in support of Ben, call or text Carvell Bowens at (214) 934-8558.

TOP in the news

The Nation: This Is Why Texas Is The Next Georgia

KXAN: Advocates of undocumented immigrants criticize Texas AG’s lawsuit to halt Biden’s deportation freeze

TOP is YOUR organization!

Your contribution drives our work and allows us to fight for our neighborhoods every day.


A TOP shoutout in The Nation

Organizing is how Texas becomes the next Georgia

Read all about it: This past Friday, TOP’s year-round organizing and voter engagement work to put more power in the hands of Black and Latino Texans was featured in The Nation!

Just as Steve Phillips, founder of Democracy in Color, highlights in his article, “The next state that is most clearly poised for a Georgia-like trajectory is Texas.”

Using the TOP playbook focused on expanding the Black and Latino electorate, Stacey Abrams and community organizers across Georgia poured their heart and soul into not only a presidential election, but two Senate races that as we all know reaped BIG rewards.

“The Texas Organizing Project is playing a similar linchpin role in Texas,” emphasizes Steve.

Every day through scaling up our work, we are getting closer toward flipping Texas.

DONATE TODAY to fuel our voter engagement work in 2021 and beyond!

TOP in the news

The Nation: This Is Why Texas Is The Next Georgia

KXAN: Advocates of undocumented immigrants criticize Texas AG’s lawsuit to halt Biden’s deportation freeze

TOP is YOUR organization!

Your contribution drives our work and allows us to fight for our neighborhoods every day.


Plug in to the progress of our Dallas County Right2Justice campaign

Our Dallas County Right2Justice campaign is hitting the ground running in 2021, but to win big, bold changes, we need input and support from Dallas community members who want to see our justice system transformed from the inside out.

Be part of our upcoming Dallas County Right2Justice monthly members meeting as we celebrate last year’s wins and strategize on our goals for the months ahead, from bail reform, to ending police brutality, to ensuring a new trial for Ben Spencer, who was wrongfully convicted in Dallas in 1987.

Share the Facebook event and join us this Thursday at 6 p.m.!

For more information, call/text Idania Carranza at (469) 955-5477, or Carvell Bowens at (214) 934-8558. 

TOP is YOUR organization!

Your contribution drives our work and allows us to fight for our neighborhoods every day.


Hitting back at Ken Paxton for his latest racist stunt

Trump enabler Ken Paxton is at it again. On Friday, our state’s disgraced attorney general had the gall to file a lawsuit against the Biden-Harris administration’s humane move to temporarily halt some deportations. It’s laughable how Paxton believes he has any legal standing to challenge this.

Then again, he’s only confirming what we Texans already know; that he is a racist, corrupt politician who does not hesitate to use the powers of his office to oppress Black and Latino communities to advance his far-right agenda.

We have two words for our state’s vile attorney general: Resign, Ken. Immigrants will not be intimidated by a fraud who thinks he is above the law.

Instead, we’re focused on winning the large-scale transformative immigration reform our undocumented communities deserve. Measures including an inclusive and swift pathway to citizenship for all, as well as full COVID-19 health and economic relief.

See more of our campaign demands here and call your representative in Congress for bold immigration reform!

For more information, please call or text Damaris Gonzalez at (832) 774-7704.

TOP is YOUR organization!

Your contribution drives our work and allows us to fight for our neighborhoods every day.


Learn about the bail reform we need in Harris County this Thursday

Join TOP and our Right2Justice allies on Thursday, January 28 at 6:30 p.m. for a Facebook Live conversation titled “The Truth about Bail Reform” where we’ll be answering your questions on the “nuts and bolts” of bail reform, as well as laying out our vision for the bail reform our communities deserve.

TOP played a key role in getting Harris County Commissioners to approve a historic settlement to end litigation over Harris County’s unconstitutional misdemeanor bail system in 2019, but our organizing work is far from over.

Our panelists will include Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, Judge Genesis Draper (Criminal Court at Law No. 12), and Judge Natalia Cornelio (351st Criminal Court).

Share the Facebook event here and remember to tune in on the 28th.

For more information, call or text Gracie Armijo at (832) 998-0269.

TOP is YOUR organization!

Your contribution drives our work and allows us to fight for our neighborhoods every day.


Channeling MLK’s unwavering spirit in this pivotal moment / Canalizando el espíritu inquebrantable de MLK en este momento crucial

Standing on the shoulders of a justice-seeking giant

TOP’s observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day may have looked a bit different this year due to the pandemic, but our celebration of his life remained ever present.

It was less than two weeks ago that the scourge of white supremacy violently roared through the halls of the U.S. Capitol, igniting intense introspection on who we are as a nation, and so clearly illustrating just how far off we are from realizing Dr. King’s dream.

For Black Americans, this introspection is a vastly different and traumatic experience. Since our nation’s inception, Black people have propelled it to prosperity and dared it to fully live out its promise, delivering countless victories for our democracy all while withstanding the many insidious forms of white supremacy that chip away at our humanity.

Our fight for racial and economic justice is intrinsically linked to Dr. King’s bold, unapologetic vision for dismantling institutional racism and the oppressive power structures that still hold millions of Black and Latino Americans back from living the full lives we deserve.

In a matter of hours, a bigot will end his chaotic reign at the White House, having been electorally defeated by our communities that he sought to marginalize at every turn, the same communities Dr. King lifted up and championed.

With our existences on the line, communities of color were fearless in the face of white supremacy and used our collective power at the ballot box to deal it a notable blow. This isn’t a coincidence; this is MLK’s legacy in action.

Offering cold, hard facts on the bail reform we need

Cash bail is wrong, simple as that. No one deserves to languish in jail simply because they can’t afford to post bond.

Join TOP and our Right2Justice allies on Thursday, January 28 at 6:30 p.m. for a Facebook Live conversation titled “The Truth about Bail Reform” where we’ll be answering your questions on the “nuts and bolts” of bail reform, as well as laying out our vision for the bail reform our communities deserve.

Our panelists will include Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, Judge Genesis Draper (Criminal Court at Law No. 12), and Judge Natalia Cornelio (351st Criminal Court)!

Share the Facebook event here and remember to tune in on the 28th.

For more information, send an email to Gracie Armijo at

Ready to usher in new national leadership and hold them accountable

Tomorrow, January 20, we will finally close the chapter on Trump’s failed presidency and welcome an administration capable of delivering actual leadership and the deep-rooted change that millions of Americans are counting on in this moment.

TUNE IN to watch history with us, as Joe Biden and our nation’s first female vice president Kamala Harris get sworn in at their inauguration!

Endorsed by TOP in November’s election, it will be imperative for Biden and Harris to immediately reverse the previous administration’s damaging policies in their first days in office. With control of both the House and Senate, as well as a mandate from a more than 7 million vote margin of victory, it’s imperative they chart a new bold, progressive path forward that puts Black and Latino Americans at the forefront of our nation’s policy agenda.

Voters of color paved the way for a Biden-Harris win, and our communities will be expecting results!


De pie sobre los hombros de un gigante que busca justicia

La celebración de TOP del Día de Martin Luther King Jr. puede haber sido un poco diferente este año debido a la pandemia, pero nuestra celebración de su vida permaneció siempre presente.

Hace menos de dos semanas que el ataque de la supremacía blanca rugió violentamente por los pasillos del Capitolio de los Estados Unidos, encendiendo una intensa introspección sobre quiénes somos como nación e ilustrando tan claramente lo lejos que estamos de realizar el sueño de Dr. King.

Para los Afroamericanos, esta introspección es una experiencia ampliamente diferente y traumática. Desde los inicios de nuestra nación, la gente Negra ha impulsado hacia la prosperidad y ha desafiado a cumplir plenamente su promesa, logrando innumerables victorias para nuestra democracia al mismo tiempo que soporta las muchas formas maliciosas de supremacía blanca que nos quiere arrebatar nuestra humanidad.

Nuestra lucha por la justicia racial y económica está intrínsecamente vinculada a la visión audaz y sin remordimientos del Dr. King para desmantelar el racismo institucional y las estructuras de poder opresivo que aún impiden que millones de Afroamericanos y Latinos vivamos la vida plena que merecemos.

En cuestión de horas, un racista terminará su caótico reinado en la Casa Blanca, habiendo sido derrotado electoralmente por nuestras comunidades las cuales buscó marginar en todo momento, las mismas comunidades que Dr. King levantó y defendió.

Con nuestras existencias en juego, las comunidades de color no tuvieron miedo frente a la supremacía blanca y utilizaron nuestro poder colectivo en las urnas para asestarle un golpe notable.

Esto no es una coincidencia; este es el legado de MLK en acción.

Ofreciendo hechos claros sobre la reforma de la fianza que necesitamos

La fianza en efectivo está mal, así de simple. Nadie merece quedar encerrado en la cárcel simplemente porque no puede pagar la fianza.

Únase a TOP y a nuestros aliados de Right2Justice el jueves 28 de Enero a las 6:30 p.m. para una conversación en vivo por Facebook titulada “La verdad sobre la reforma de la fianza”, donde responderemos sus preguntas sobre los “aspectos prácticos” de la reforma de la fianza, así como también expondremos nuestra visión para la reforma de la fianza que nuestras comunidades merecen.

¡Nuestros panelistas incluirán al alguacil del condado de Harris, Ed González, la Jueza Genesis Draper (Corte Criminal en la Ley No. 12), y la Jueza Natalia Cornelio (Corte Criminal 351)!

Comparta el evento de Facebook aquí y recuerde sintonizarnos el día 28.

Para obtener más información, envíe un correo electrónico a Gracie Armijo a

Listo para marcar el comienzo de un nuevo liderazgo nacional y hacerlos responsables

Mañana, 20 de Enero, finalmente cerraremos el capítulo sobre la presidencia fallida de Trump y daremos la bienvenida a una administración capaz de brindar un liderazgo real y el cambio profundamente arraigado con el que millones de estadounidenses esperan en este momento.

¡SINTONIZANOS para ver la historia con nosotros, mientras Joe Biden y la primera Mujer vicepresidenta de nuestro país, Kamala Harris, toman juramento en su inauguración!

Respaldado por TOP en las elecciones de Noviembre, será imperativo que Biden y Harris reviertan inmediatamente las políticas dañinas de la administración anterior en sus primeros días en el cargo. Con el control de la Cámara y el Senado, así como con un mandato de más de 7 millones de margen de victoria, es imperativo que tracen un nuevo camino audaz y progresista que coloque a los Afroamericanos y Latinos al frente de la agenda política de nuestra nación.

Los votantes de color abrieron el camino para la victoria de Biden-Harris, ¡y nuestras comunidades estarán esperando resultados!

TOP in the news / TOP en las noticias

WFAA: Reflections on MLK Day after a difficult year…and 6 days

San Antonio Express-News: Editorial: Expand jail property room, ditch fee

TOP is YOUR organization! / ¡TOP es SU organización! 

Your contribution drives our work and allows us to fight for our neighborhoods every day. /
Su contribución hace posible nuestro trabajo y nos permite luchar por nuestras comunidades todos los días.


Crucial Budget Vote Coming Up in Dallas

Working with In Defense of Black Lives Dallas, we have demanded transformational change to policing in the streets and at City Hall. We can’t let up now. A final vote on the city budget takes place this Wednesday.

We have to continue urging our elected city leaders to deliver that transformational change through a budget that reallocates funds away from the police department toward programs that build up and heal our communities.

If you’re a Dallas resident, sign up to speak at this Wednesday’s City Council meeting to let our elected leaders know that we can build a safer community by divesting from policing and investing in our communities.

Call the Dallas City Secretary’s Office at 214-670-3738 to sign up to speak on agenda item #92 or on the open mic portion. The deadline to sign up is Tuesday, Sept. 22 at 5 p.m.

For more information, call or text Carvell Bowens at 214-934-8558.

Reimagining public safety in the Dallas city budget

Dallas City Council will vote on a new city budget September 23. TOP and In Defense of Black Lives Dallas are demanding that the budget invests less in policing and more in building up our communities with needed resources and services.

The chair of the city’s Public Safety Committee, Councilman Adam McGough of District 10 needs to hear from us that we need to divest from policing, and INVEST in our community!

If you’re a Dallas resident, call Councilman McGough at his office at 214-670-4068 to share why it matters to you that we #DefundDPD and invest more in the community.

For more information on how you can get involved in this campaign, call or text Carvell Bowens at 972-997-1026.