TOP: “Our Congressional leaders cannot afford to throw in the towel and squander this historic opportunity”

The following statement is from Jessica Azua, Immigration Justice Director with Texas Organizing Project (TOP) in response to the Senate parliamentarian issuing a ruling yesterday stating that immigration policy changes did not comply with Senate procedural rules governing the reconciliation process:

“We are disappointed, but in no way deterred or defeated. Yesterday’s ruling from the unelected Senate Parliamentarian only strengthens our resolve to win justice for the millions of immigrants in our communities who have endured decades of inaction from our leaders on immigration reform.

“With so much on the line, Democrats in the House and Senate must move forward immediately with the alternate plans they have promised to our communities they have to ensure pathways to citizenship for DACA recipients, TPS holders, farm workers, and other essential workers.

“Our Congressional leaders cannot afford to throw in the towel and squander this historic opportunity. They need to keep their foot on the gas pedal and exhaust all options available to them to secure this much needed, long-awaited reform.

“Our communities will absolutely hold Democrats in Congress accountable and to their word. Failure is not an option.”


Texas Organizing Project organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris and Bexar counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

This statement was sent out September 20, 2021.

TOP announces endorsement in Texas House District 118 special election

Following a thorough process of written questionnaires and virtual interviews, the members of Texas Organizing Project (TOP) have voted to endorse Frank Ramirez for State Representative in Texas House District 118’s special election.

James Hamilton, TOP member and Texas House District 118 resident issued the following statement:

“A product of San Antonio’s Southside, Frank Ramirez recognizes the unprecedented impact this pandemic has had on our state. He knows what working-class Black and Latino families are having to endure, and has the drive and knowledge needed to help Texas House District 118 residents get through this dire time.

“With years of experience in public service and a keen understanding of the legislative process, Frank will hit the ground running at the Texas Capitol to champion a bold policy agenda that puts the priorities of working-class communities first — from expanding access to affordable healthcare, to increasing funding for public schools, to teaming up with cities to improve infrastructure.

“TOP members are proud to endorse Frank and look forward to seeing him deliver for Bexar County residents in the Texas House of Representatives.”


Texas Organizing Project organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris and Bexar counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

This statement was sent out September 19, 2021.

Missed opportunities in city budget to keep more San Antonians housed

The following is a statement from Marco Acuna and Devorah Frost, housing justice organizers with Texas Organizing Project (TOP) in response to the San Antonio city budget vote this week:

“San Antonio City Council missed a historic opportunity to invest in our communities with its city budget vote Thursday. As the pandemic continues, negatively impacting working-class San Antonians, the city budget passed falls short on providing the housing funds needed to keep more residents on the verge of eviction from slipping through the cracks.

“The City Budget is a moral document that reflects the values of our community. We applaud the recognition from Councilmembers Castillo, McKee-Rodriguez, and Bravo that our city’s housing programs are far from being adequately funded in this year’s budget. The City of San Antonio has chosen to instead use federal funds that are not yet disbursed to meet our needs. This is simply insufficient, given how there already is a troubling backlog of residents in need of housing and rental assistance.”

Liz Davila, TOP Education Fund board member and District 5 resident:

“At a time when thousands of San Antonians are still living paycheck-to-paycheck as a result of last year’s economic collapse, it’s abysmal that little over 1 percent of our city’s $3.1 billion budget goes toward housing. Our city leadership failed to prioritize in this budget the wellbeing of our residents during such a critical time.”

Kevin LeMelle, TOP board member and District 2 resident:

“TOP members spoke up for their neighborhoods and the need for more housing relief programs at multiple town halls and budget hearings over the past few weeks. As a whole, our mayor and city council didn’t listen; they botched an opportunity to come through in a deeper and more meaningful way for San Antonio residents who are still struggling to make ends meet. This city budget misses the mark.”

Karen Muñoz, TOP member and District 7 resident:

“While I’m disappointed that our council continues to shortchange housing, something that’s a downright injustice especially during this pandemic, I’m grateful for the new council members who showed us a better way is possible in San Antonio if we put more attention and resources toward addressing the basic needs of those who need it most. This city budget is nothing to take pride in, though. When vulnerable communities made clear they needed more in this dire time, our city’s top leaders shrugged their shoulders.”


Texas Organizing Project organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris and Bexar counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

This statement was sent out September 18, 2021.