TOP: “Gov. Abbott politically scapegoats immigrants to distract from his policy failures”

The following statement is from Damaris Gonzalez, TOP Statewide Immigration Lead Organizer, in response to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issuing an executive order instructing hospitals to collect data on patients’ immigration status:

“Gov. Abbott politically scapegoats immigrants to distract from his policy failures.

“Separating and dehumanizing members of our communities – people who are our family, friends, and neighbors – is straight out of the MAGA playbook.

“As his idol Donald Trump flails in the polls, struggling to connect with his racist, backwards vision for our country, Gov. Abbott is more than ready to demonize fellow Texans, because just like Trump he views Black and Brown immigrants as lesser than. 

“Hospitals should serve peoples’ health needs, not operate as intrusive immigration checkpoints.”

Irie Howard, TOP Statewide Healthcare Lead Organizer, added:

“Healthcare is a human right. Each and every person in our state deserves to have that right upheld. 

“If Greg Abbott honestly cared about saving our state money while improving the health of Texans, he would have expanded our Medicaid program in 2015, his first year as governor.

“This reckless executive order will put the health of everyday Texans’ at risk, as it’s intended to stoke fear and uncertainty in the more than 1.5 million undocumented immigrants who call this state home. 

“As Texans, we care for each other and look out for each other – no matter the color of our skin, the language we speak, or our documentation status. We are NOT letting our governor divide us.”


About Texas Organizing Project:

TOP organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

TOP: “Implementing Trump-like anti-immigrant policies is unacceptable and a step backward for this administration”

The following statement is from Damaris Gonzalez, Statewide Immigration Lead Organizer of Texas Organizing Project (TOP), in response to President Joe Biden announcing sweeping asylum restrictions through executive order:

“Playing politics with the lives of people seeking asylum is despicable and must never be normalized. No matter the color of your skin, the language you speak, or how much money you have to your name, seeking asylum is a fundamental human right.

“President Biden’s move to restrict asylum along our southern border not only violates international law, it endangers the lives of thousands of families in need of aid.

“Implementing Trump-like anti-immigrant policies is unacceptable and a step backward for this administration. Any executive order should focus on enacting bold humanitarian solutions to ease tension along our southern border, not on adopting harmful, exclusionary policies.

“TOP is proud to work with immigration justice allies in welcoming people seeking refuge in our communities and ensuring they have access to the resources they need to thrive. We do so while continuing to push for the common-sense, dignified immigration system that our country so desperately needs. Congress must act now to pass comprehensive immigration reform and permanent relief for DACA recipients, providing safety, stability, and security to millions of immigrants who call this country home.”


About Texas Organizing Project (TOP)

TOP organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

TOP: “Gov. Abbott’s SB4 is white supremacy in action, and it must never be implemented”

The following statement is from Brianna Brown, Texas Organizing Project (TOP) Co-Executive Director, in response to the U.S. Supreme Court placing an indefinite stay on SB4, the state’s new law targeting migrant communities, continuing to block it from going into effect:

“Gov. Abbott’s SB4 is white supremacy in action, and it must never be implemented.

“SB4 has never been about public safety; it has always been about Abbott and his GOP enablers pandering to far-right extremists by weaponizing local law enforcement to target and sow fear in our state’s migrant communities.

“Earlier this month, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump called Abbott ‘a spectacular man,’ and said he’s ‘absolutely’ on his vice president short list.

“Anyone on the VP shortlist of a racist insurrectionist like Trump is NOT someone who should be representing the Lone Star State, full stop.

Damaris Gonzalez, TOP Statewide Immigration Lead Organizer, added:

“Our efforts to organize against this horrific law are only boosted by today’s Supreme Court action.

“No matter how much the Texas GOP tries to instill fear in immigrant communities, we will not back down from our fight against this racist law.

“TOP remains steadfast in our commitment to ensuring that the fundamental rights of every person residing in Texas are protected – regardless of race, income, immigration status, or preferred language.”


About Texas Organizing Project:

TOP organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

TOP statement on latest DACA court ruling

The following statement is from Damaris Gonzalez, Statewide Immigration Lead Organizer of Texas Organizing Project (TOP), in reaction to U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen once again ruling against the legality of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program:

“Conservative judges like Andrew Hanen can keep issuing awful rulings, but the truth is no legal challenge will ever break our movement for liberation.

“No person — regardless of race, documentation status, or nationality — should have to endure this legal limbo, where our basic humanity is called into question with every lawsuit rooted in white supremacy that Republicans file against DACA.

“Each passing day of congressional inaction on passing permanent protections for DACA recipients is an insult to migrant families that contribute to and move this country forward.

“We demand the Biden administration now urge leaders in the U.S. House and Senate to prioritize a pathway to citizenship for not only DACA recipients, but for the 11 million migrants who fuel our country and who for years have been living in fear of deportation. Every legal option must be exhausted to ensure that Dreamers such as myself have the freedom to thrive in this country that we call home.”


About Texas Organizing Project:TOP organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

TOP on migrant deaths: “It’s an injustice, and a searing indictment of our discriminatory immigration system”

The following statement is from Jessica Azua, Immigration Justice Director with Texas Organizing Project (TOP) in response to the death of 53 migrants found in a sweltering, abandoned semi-truck trailer Monday:

“Immense sadness and frustration do not even begin to describe how I am feeling in reaction to this tragedy. In that semi-truck trailer were fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters – all with hopes and dreams. 

“State and federal lawmakers can point fingers all they want, but the truth is this: Decades of failed, inhumane immigration policies – from Title 42 to Gov. Abbott’s Operation Lone Star – contributed to what is now being recognized as our country’s deadliest human smuggling incident on record. 

“It is these policies, classist and rooted in white supremacy, that radically restrict entry to this country, forcing migrants faced with desperation to take dangerous paths to come to the U.S., all in search of safety and a better life.

“At the absolute least, the Biden administration must grant humanitarian parole for the victims’ families, and provide survivors of this traumatizing event with T visas.

“What occurred is not just a horrifying mass death. It’s an injustice, and a searing indictment of our discriminatory immigration system.”  


Texas Organizing Project organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

This statement was sent out June 29, 2022.

Winning Enhanced Library Cards for Harris County

An ID for the people, by the people

It’s official. After months of organizing with Houston Leads partners, Harris County will now offer residents new enhanced library cards! TOP and allies held a press conference Tuesday, April 5, 2022 celebrating the launch of this new enhanced library card program. Not having a form of photo ID presents challenges for vulnerable communities across Harris County, especially for those who are experiencing homelessness, the formerly incarcerated, domestic abuse survivors who have lost their documentation, and those without the ability to access a state ID.

This is a TOP home-grown campaign win, started by TOP immigration justice campaign members who identified this ID as an opportunity to fill a community need.

The enhanced library cards will include a photo, name, date of birth, and address for the recipient, providing Harris County residents who lack access to a form of identification with a basic form of alternative, non-traditional photo ID. Learn more about the new cards here.

Notable news coverage:

Houston Chronicle: Advocates tout ‘enhanced’ Harris County library cards, urge authorities to accept them as ID

ABC 13: Enhanced library cards designed to help Harris County residents with no photo ID

For more information about this campaign win and TOP’s immigration justice campaign efforts in Harris County, email Damaris Gonzalez at

TOP statement on Border Patrol agents brutally attacking Haitian asylum-seekers

The following statement is from Deyonne Primo, a Texas Organizing Project (TOP) member and immigrant from Guyana, in response to U.S. Border Patrol agents physically beating Haitians seeking asylum Monday:

“The U.S. government yesterday committed state violence against asylum-seekers in broad daylight.

“The usage of slave-era tactics to dehumanize Haitian refugees is just the latest disturbing escalation in our nation’s criminalization of migrants and those seeking asylum. 

“What we witnessed further shines a light on the everyday injustices our current immigration system, classist in structure and rooted in white supremacy, inflicts on those who are escaping dire conditions to seek a better life for themselves and their family. By building solidarity through connecting the lived experiences of Black and Latino migrants, TOP’s immigration justice campaign for now a decade has fought to transform this oppressive system from the inside out with progressive, humane policies.

“Having endured this summer the compounding tragedies of a presidential assassination, a massive earthquake claiming more than 2,000 lives, and a tropical storm causing widespread flooding, the Haitians settled along our southern border are refugees who must have their right to seek asylum fully honored.

“The Biden administration, namely DHS Secretary Mayorkas, must answer for this appalling display and be held accountable for the cruelty that transpired. Additionally, Republican Congressman Tony Gonzalez, who represents Del Rio, needs to recognize that increased militarization of our border will only lead to more suffering and make matters worse.

“In response to this humanitarian crisis, we are calling on our supporters to sign this petition demanding President Biden stop deportations of Haitian asylum-seekers. We also encourage donations to Haitian Bridge Alliance, an advocacy group working on the ground in Del Rio to help provide direct relief for these asylum-seekers at this pivotal time.”


Texas Organizing Project organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris and Bexar counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

This statement was sent out September 21, 2021. 

TOP: “Our Congressional leaders cannot afford to throw in the towel and squander this historic opportunity”

The following statement is from Jessica Azua, Immigration Justice Director with Texas Organizing Project (TOP) in response to the Senate parliamentarian issuing a ruling yesterday stating that immigration policy changes did not comply with Senate procedural rules governing the reconciliation process:

“We are disappointed, but in no way deterred or defeated. Yesterday’s ruling from the unelected Senate Parliamentarian only strengthens our resolve to win justice for the millions of immigrants in our communities who have endured decades of inaction from our leaders on immigration reform.

“With so much on the line, Democrats in the House and Senate must move forward immediately with the alternate plans they have promised to our communities they have to ensure pathways to citizenship for DACA recipients, TPS holders, farm workers, and other essential workers.

“Our Congressional leaders cannot afford to throw in the towel and squander this historic opportunity. They need to keep their foot on the gas pedal and exhaust all options available to them to secure this much needed, long-awaited reform.

“Our communities will absolutely hold Democrats in Congress accountable and to their word. Failure is not an option.”


Texas Organizing Project organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris and Bexar counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

This statement was sent out September 20, 2021.

Calling for a road to citizenship for undocumented essential workers

The March to Victory: Relay Across America continued in San Antonio yesterday as part of a nationwide effort to demand a roadmap to citizenship for all 11 million undocumented immigrants. As we continue to grapple with this pandemic, inclusive COVID recovery for all is necessary to ensure all get through the crisis.

In observance, TOP immigration campaign members marched “11 Miles for 11 Million” yesterday to raise their voices in support of the millions of undocumented essential workers risking their lives each and every day to keep us fed and sustain our nation’s economy during this pandemic. TOP believes it is long overdue that these essential workers receive not only added protections on the job, but a straightforward path to citizenship.

The Relay Across America consists of community-led efforts across the country, made up of in-person and virtual events, and kicked-off in Washington on March 17, with subsequent events planned in nearly 30 states through May 1. The relay aims to unite communities throughout the nation in calling for a humane immigration system that protects our 11 millions undocumented immigrants, including essential workers, DACA and TPS holders, and those who don’t currently have a pathway to citizenship.

Watch a news clip talking about the event here.

For more information, call or text Cristian Esparza at (210) 952-1096.