TOP reflects as National Hispanic Heritage Month starts

The following is a statement from Michelle Tremillo, Texas Organizing Project (TOP) Co-Executive Director, on the organization’s observance of National Hispanic Heritage Month this year:

“This month and every month, TOP celebrates the lives, contributions, and sacrifices of those across our diverse Latino communities whose resilience and tenacity has shaped the United States and our society for generations.

“It is the vibrancy of our Latinidad – inclusive of and strengthened by our Afro-Latino and Indigenous brothers and sisters – that strikes fear into the hearts of not just far-right extremists, but corporate bosses who for centuries have wielded racial capitalism to divide us.

“As an organization committed to racial and economic justice, we’re not playing their colonial game entrenched in anti-Blackness and colorism; we’re flipping the script because we know the fates of Black and Latino Americans are inextricably linked.

“Attaining our collective liberation will require an unshakeable solidarity that spans race, gender, age, background, language, and economic status – a solidarity ingrained in TOP’s mission and demonstrated every day in the communities we organize.

“This is how we build our movement – by affirming that we are stronger together. This is how we create the Texas of our dreams where every person can thrive, a Texas for all.”

Julie Vazquez, TOP board member from Dallas County, added:

“GOP “leaders” like Gov. Greg Abbott and Donald Trump try to marginalize us at every turn, because they know the sheer power of our communities and how we are a threat to the status quo.

“Latinos are now more than 63 million strong nationwide, with 12 million of us residing in Texas alone, officially making up the biggest share of our state’s population as of this year.

“It is on us to bring our best selves to this fight for the future Black, Latino, and all Texans deserve; a future where healthcare is more accessible, housing is more affordable, public education is more supported, and our legal system is more just. TOP remains unwavering in showing up to this fight and doing the gritty on-the-ground organizing work needed to win.”


About Texas Organizing Project:

TOP organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

TOP Commemorates Labor Day

The following is a statement from Trent Breitung, Staff Union President of Texas Organizing Project (TOP), on the organization’s observance of Labor Day this year:

“Like clockwork, Texas Republican electeds — including of course Gov. Greg Abbott — will take to social media today to wish their constituents a happy Labor Day, and all while supporting a law they designed to block local governments from enacting measures such as greater labor protections for everyday Texans.

“The cognitive dissonance is asinine, but completely on-brand for politicians who are terrified of working Texans, especially Black and Latino Texans, having access to such “outlandish perks,” like water breaks on the job, paid sick leave, and safeguards against eviction.

“Plain and simple, it’s OUR labor that drives this state forward each and every day — and no matter our age, race, place, gender, who you love, or who you pray to, we as Texans know our worth, and we are worth so much more than what these electeds who are undercutting workers’ rights would have us believe.

“A unionized workplace, TOP prides itself in showing solidarity with Black and Latino labor allies across the state and nation, as we collectively fight egregious policies attacking our communities and strive to ensure an equitable, dignified work environment for every person who calls this country home.”

Perla Garcia, TOP board member from Harris County, added:

“Despite what our governor and his GOP cronies tell us, Texans want legislation that will uplift the humanity of workers and allow them to earn a living wage, so that they can better provide for their families. We’re ready for it; we’re fighting for it.

“Workers’ rights — regardless of our nationality, faith, or color of our skin — are human rights, and under a true Texas For All that we one day will reach, these rights will be expanded and fully enshrined.”


About Texas Organizing Project:

TOP organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

TOP announces endorsed candidates for Houston City Council

Fresh off their endorsement this week of Sheila Jackson Lee for Houston Mayor, Texas Organizing Project (TOP) Harris County members have voted to endorse Tarsha Jackson for re-election to City Council Dist. B, Lloyd Ford for City Council Dist. D, and Dr. Letitia Plummer for re-election to City Council At-Large Position #4 in this November’s municipal election.

TOP board member Ray Brackens of Harris County:

Tarsha Jackson – a driving force behind TOP’s Right2Justice campaign – has been a fighter her whole life, from advocating for her son’s needs that turned into systemic shifts in juvenile justice, to building coalitions around immigrants’ rights and reforms to the criminal legal system. Tarsha has taken her passion to city council and hasn’t stopped. From her time as a TOP community organizer to city council member for District B, Tarsha’s  journey has been truly inspiring. Since day one, she’s championed the needs of Black and Latino families in Texas. Whether it’s battling illegal dumping, pushing for flooding mitigation upgrades, or advocating for community-focused solutions, like the BeSuccessful initiative that connects residents to good jobs and resources to get a second chance, Tarsha delivers. We’re eager to see her continued impact on our neighborhoods.”

TOP county leadership team member Cecilia Fontenot of Harris County:

Lloyd Ford understands the daily hardships of Black and Latino Houstonians because of his deeply held roots in District D. Passionate about racial and economic justice, Ford’s drive and vision make him a standout progressive for city council. He’s determined to challenge the status quo for our city’s hard-working residents and make a positive difference. With TOP backing him this election, we’re united in our mission to uplift every Houston community.”

TOP board member Perla Garcia of Harris County:

Dr. Letitia Plummer on Houston City Council is a game-changer. From COVID relief to housing justice, she’s a relentless advocate for Black and Latino communities. Dr. Plummer isn’t simply talk, she’s digging deep to address core issues and championing progressive solutions. With her, no Houstonian is left behind. TOP is excited to join forces with Dr. Plummer, empowering our city’s hardworking residents and driving Houston forward.”


About Texas Organizing Project:

TOP organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

TOP Condemns Rittenhouse’s Texas Power Play As Threat to Democracy

TOP Calls Out Dangerous Spread of Far-Right Ideology, Highlighting Urgent Need for Year-Round Community Engagement

The following statement is from Brianna Brown, Texas Organizing Project (TOP) Co-Executive Director, on reports this week of Kyle Rittenhouse’s increasing political activity in Texas:

Kyle Rittenhouse’s establishment of ‘The Rittenhouse Foundation’ is a stark reminder of the growing danger of far-right ideology in our state and nation. This isn’t just about an individual; it’s emblematic of the broader extremist MAGA movement and the white nationalist violence it fomented on January 6. Texas, unsurprisingly, has become a hotbed for this far-right surge.

“The rise of far-right activity in our state is not just a shift in political dynamics; it’s a disturbing development that threatens the well-being of communities across Texas – Black and Latino communities especially. We’ve seen the dangers of unchecked power with Trump’s trajectory, as he continues to lead polls even while facing multiple indictments.

“It doesn’t surprise us one bit that Rittenhouse, a shameless grifter acquitted after killing two Black Lives Matter protesters, is now aligning himself with well-connected, far-right provocateurs in Texas. This ‘foundation,’ which claims to protect ‘human and civil rights’, is a thinly-veiled attempt to further an agenda rooted in white supremacy that directly undermines the rights of Black and Latino Texans. 

The answer to these challenges lies in the heart of what TOP does: year-round community organizing. Our focus isn’t limited to election cycles; we engage Texans year-round on issues impacting their communities, while emphasizing the invaluable nature of their involvement, especially when our very right to vote is being threatened.

“TOP will continue to organize and mobilize communities across Texas to challenge these far-right narratives, and to pave the way for one day our state becoming a place of inclusivity, justice, and equity for all – regardless of race, place, or background.”


About Texas Organizing ProjectTOP organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

This statement was sent out August 18, 2023.

TOP: “Abbott is a conniving extremist who views asylum-seekers as subhuman”

The following statement is from Damaris Gonzalez, Statewide Immigration Lead Organizer of Texas Organizing Project (TOP), in reaction to the Houston Chronicle reporting on Texas DPS officers abusing and showing callous disregard for asylum-seekers at our nation’s southern border:

“Gov. Abbott will stop at nothing to win over the GOP’s growing white nationalist wing.

“As cruel as he tries to be to outdo his flailing Florida counterpart, Abbott will soon find his own presidential prospects are much like his soul: bleak.

“The heinous details exposed in the Houston Chronicle’s reporting only confirm what we know to be true — that Abbott is a conniving extremist who views asylum-seekers as subhuman.

“This development is consistent with the depraved contempt he has recently shown toward our state’s migrant families and everyday working Texans.

“TOP joins human rights advocates across the nation in demanding the Biden administration put a stop to and investigate the atrocities Texas DPS are commiting along our border under Gov. Abbott’s direction.”

“All Texans — regardless of age, race, or place — deserve a governor who sees the full humanity in people seeking asylum, not one who cynically exploits and brutalizes them.”


About Texas Organizing Project

TOP organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

TOP statement on this year’s July 4th holiday

The following statement is from Brianna Brown, Co-Executive Director of the Texas Organizing Project (TOP), reflecting on Independence Day this year:

“The irony of our nation’s most authoritarian politicians using July 4th to espouse independence and personal freedoms is not lost on us one bit.

“Whether enacting regressive policies, litigating in defense of them, or permitting them from a court bench, it’s these officials who are weaponizing government to clamp down on human rights and civil liberties – all with the purpose of sustaining white supremacy.

“Here in our state, the advancement of far-right fundamentalism being enabled by Gov. Abbott is endangering lives, especially those of Black, Latino, and LGBTQIA+ Texans.

“When our sheer existence is seen as a threat to those who are elected to serve us, and when those same electeds are codifying the erasure of our communities, calls to celebrate our freedoms on this day feel even more feigned.

“All who call this country home deserve justice and the ability to lead happy, full lives — no matter our age, race, gender, or income.

“Through continuous organizing, TOP and our movement allies are planting seeds to challenge the powers that be and transform our institutions to make this revolutionary change a reality.”


About Texas Organizing Project

TOP organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

This statement was sent out July 4, 2023.

SCOTUS Strikes at the Heart of Opportunity, Diversity, & Inclusion in the U.S.

Rulings Reinforce Systemic Racism Ingrained In Higher Education, Turn Their Back On Black & Latino Students 

The following statement is from Brianna Brown, Texas Organizing Project (TOP) Co-Executive Director condemning decisions by the Supreme Court to eliminate race as a factor in admissions at universities and strike down President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan:

“These Supreme Court rulings are a direct assault on equity and diversity, principles that historically have been absent from our nation’s higher education system. They threaten to derail decades of progress made in our fight for racial and economic justice.

“Without considering race in achieving educational diversity all but ensures student populations at campuses of elite institutions will become even less diverse, unjustly sidelining Black and Latino students from educational advancement. This isn’t just a shift in demographics; this reversal of long-standing precedent is a kiss on the cheek to white supremacy, and is a threat to the attainment of higher education for students of color.

“Furthermore, by blocking President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan, the Supreme Court is doubling-down on reinforcing a status quo that is burdening millions of Americans financially – a disproportionate amount being women of color.

“Let’s be clear: elections have consequences. The people we put in power make decisions that can profoundly shape our lives and society at large. Our fight against the far-right’s insidious agenda must be relentless, and our collective power must be felt where it counts – on the streets and at the ballot box.

“We’re fighting for a future where every student, no matter their race, nationality, age, or income level, can access the high-quality education they deserve and not be straddled by years and years of debt.

“Here in Texas, and across the nation, our movement isn’t going to stop fighting this fight – not until every person has the opportunity to learn to their fullest extent, reach success, and build a bright future they seek to make for themselves.”


About Texas Organizing Project

TOP organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

This statement was sent out June 30, 2023.

Groundbreaking MAC System Starts New Era for Justice Reform in Bexar County

TOP Leads Community Effort for System Set to Transform Legal Representation for Low-Income Defendants

SAN ANTONIO, TX — This past Saturday, June 24, Texas Organizing Project (TOP) championed the cause of justice reform in Bexar County at a well-attended community luncheon. More than 100 community members celebrated the rollout of the Managed Assigned Counsel (MAC) system, an initiative aimed at providing fair legal representation to more county residents, specifically low-income defendants and those who are awaiting trial.

Set to become Texas’s largest when fully launched later this year, the MAC system intends to curtail unwarranted jail time and raise the standard of legal defense for adults and youth facing misdemeanor and felony charges. Additionally, the system will extend access to mental health services and offer an in-house immigration attorney.

Laquita Garcia, TOP’s Statewide Right2Justice Coordinator, proudly stated, “TOP pushed for the MAC system through intensive community organizing, reflecting our unyielding commitment to ending the mass incarceration and criminalization of poverty affecting Black and Latino people in Texas. We’re proud to have led this community-driven win to transform our justice system into one that is more equitable and just.”

Judges from several local courts echoed Garcia’s sentiments and applauded TOP’s role in the MAC system’s implementation:

Honorable Judge Melanie Lira (County Court 7) said, “We needed someone to be able to connect and communicate with these attorneys so that way we know that they are providing effective assistance. What the MAC is doing is exactly that.”

Honorable Judge Ron Rangel (Texas 379th District Court), commended TOP’s role in the implementation of the MAC. “Already you’re seeing results,” Rangel said. “This could not have happened without the community support. It could not have happened without the pressure you, TOP, your organization has put on the county. Thanks so much for that.”

Honorable Judge Yolanda Huff (County Court 12) also voiced her support for the new system: “I’m a big supporter of the MAC program. It’s not always about sending somebody to jail. I’m a big proponent that if you have a mental health issue, you do not need to be in jail.”

The event marked a significant step in Bexar County’s commitment to creating a fair and more equitable justice system, a cause TOP is dedicated to championing for all Texans – no matter their age, race, gender, background, or geographic location.


About Texas Organizing Project

TOP organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

BlackTOP commemorates Juneteenth

The following statement is from Terrance “TK” Koontz of BlackTOP, in reflection and observance of this year’s Juneteenth:

“In Juneteenth is an unrelenting legacy rooted in the pursuit of Black liberation – a call to action that demands society implement transformative change to reverse damage inflicted by racial capitalism, and manifest a future where all Black people – no matter their age, gender, or nationality – can fully realize their dreams. 

“Now three years into this day being recognized as a federal holiday, it speaks to the white supremacy still woven into the fabric of our nation’s institutions that right-wing officials work around the clock to undermine our inherent rights and humanity at all levels of government. Our very existence is in itself an act of resistance. 

“Building the future all Black Americans deserve will require a complete overhaul of every aspect of how this country sustains itself. We must remember we have never seen the America we’ve been fighting for. May this realization restore and drive us.”

Dr. Doshie Piper, TOP Board President, added:

“Together, let us engage in dialogue, promote education, and take collective action to challenge the systemic inequities that hold our communities back. Juneteenth serves as a renewed call to unite against racial and economic injustice, forging a path toward a more equitable Texas and a nation that uplifts and empowers every Black person, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status. This is why we organize. 

“On this Juneteenth, we honor the ancestors we stand on the shoulders of, acknowledge the present, and work tirelessly toward a future where race and class are no longer barriers to justice and opportunity.

“Creating a Texas and America where freedom and prosperity are accessible to all is up to us.”


About BlackTOP

BlackTOP was built on the premise that the future of Texas rests in organizing Black folks across the state and getting US to the polls. With offices in Houston, Dallas and San Antonio, BlackTOP launched canvassing programs across multiple Texas counties to talk to, organize, and mobilize Black voters ahead of the 2022 election. For more information, visit

TOP Statement on the End of Title 42

The following statement is from Jessica Azua, Immigration Justice Director of the Texas Organizing Project (TOP), in response to the expiration of the implementation of Title 42 this week along our nation’s southern border:

“No matter your race, age, background, or economic status, seeking asylum is a fundamental human right.

“Title 42 was underhandedly used by the anti-immigrant Trump administration to restrict access to asylum and other humanitarian protections. It’s past due time the Biden administration stops enforcing this policy that violates both U.S. and international human rights law. 

“The end of Title 42 marks an important step toward a more humane and dignified immigration system, but so much more must be done to make this proposed future a reality.

“No more excuses: Congress must prioritize the human rights of migrants and refugees. As we recognize the end of the use of Title 42, we can’t allow policies like President Biden’s new proposed asylum ban and the aggressive expansion of expedited removal proceedings to become the new normal.  

“Counter to far-right xenophobia, we will always welcome people seeking refuge into our communities, work to ensure they have access to the resources they need to thrive, and continue to push for the humane and dignified immigration system that our country so desperately needs.”


About Texas Organizing Project (TOP)
TOP organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar, and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

This statement was sent out May 13, 2023.