Celebrating Women’s History Month at TOP

Women are the heartbeat of the world: setting the agenda, driving change, building and flexing power for the common good, and achieving what was once the unimaginable.

As a group founded and led by women across the organization, TOP this month and every month channels the indomitable spirit of freedom-fighting women who came before us, with special focus on revolutionary women of color who, through, vision, immense struggle and sacrifice, have made countless contributions that have brought us closer to our collective liberation.

We are not asking for a ‘seat at the table’; we are unapologetically building our own while redefining what is possible every day through our very existence, and women of color are leading the way.

Throughout the month of March on TOP’s social media, we will be highlighting the contributions of women icons in the movement, as well as uplifting the work of TOP members and staff.

Check out our Women’s History Month playlist on Spotify.

Follow TOP’s official Spotify account.

TOP is YOUR organization!

Your contribution drives our work and allows us to fight for our neighborhoods every day.


Ramping up our calls for Medicaid expansion in Texas

Join TOP and #SickOfItTX coalition allies virtually this Friday, March 5, for #MedEx4TX Advocacy Day — a day of action calling on our elected officials in the Texas Legislature to #ExpandMedicaid now!

Texas can’t recover while Texans aren’t covered, and our state continues to have the highest uninsured rate in the nation. Last year, more than 1.6 million Texans lost a job, and with it, their health insurance.

Healthcare is a human right. Texans need coverage and Texas leaders can do something about it. Over 2.2 million Texans could gain coverage if our state expands Medicaid.

Sign up to be a part of a #MedEx4TX Advocacy Day and make your voice heard Friday.

Share the Facebook event here.

For more information, call or text Sofia Sepulveda at (210) 202-8678.

TOP is YOUR organization!

Your contribution drives our work and allows us to fight for our neighborhoods every day.


Stepping up to assist Texans still recovering from Winter Storm Uri

Public hearings on Gov. Abbott’s ERCOT are done for now, and as much as our governor tries to escape blame, Texans know he’s responsible for our state’s horrible preparation and response to Winter Storm Uri.

The winter storm was brutal for all across Texas, but once again, Black and Latino families endured the worst of Gov. Abbott’s incompetence, with many still struggling through hardship right now as a result.

In response, TOP has teamed up on the ground with partners Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio to ensure our communities continue to receive the resources they need to recover, including clean water, food, and some immediate direct cash assistance for relief.

Donate to the Power Up Texas Fund to support families still recovering from the devastating winter storm.

We appreciate all who have already donated to the fund. TOP is committed to holding Gov. Abbott accountable for this massive, avoidable disaster, while making sure Black and Latino communities are not left struggling due to his failures.

Also, if you’re a San Antonio resident, you’re invited to be part of a winter storm recovery virtual meeting we’re hosting TODAY, March 2, at 6 p.m. — RSVP ON FACEBOOK HERE.

TOP is YOUR organization!

Your contribution drives our work and allows us to fight for our neighborhoods every day.


Strengthening our movement through the power of music

Through our celebrations, struggles, and just everyday life, music plays a vital role in how we connect with one another, as well as how we see the world around us. It’s also a powerful tool for collective expression and a driving force for societal change.

That’s why for all you fellow music lovers out there, TOP now has its own Spotify account! Follow us on Spotify here.

In the weeks and months to come, expect us to share curated playlists that complement our issue-based campaigns and our fight for justice.

Listen to TOP’s first Spotify playlist here!

TOP in the news

Texas Tribune: Gov. Abbott prioritized changing how bail is set. He isn’t addressing people stuck behind bars because they can’t afford to pay.

Telemundo San Antonio: Inquilinos denuncian problemas de moho en complejo de apartamentos

TOP is YOUR organization!

Your contribution drives our work and allows us to fight for our neighborhoods every day.


Our state lawmakers need to hear from us. Submit your winter storm story!

This Thursday, February 25, the Texas House of Representatives will hold a public hearing in Austin to address ERCOT’s lack of preparedness for this winter storm, but Gov. Abbott doesn’t want to testify about his administration’s failures that led to power outages and impacted water supplies across the state. To make matters worse, only invited guests will be allowed to speak.

TOP and our allies want to make sure these legislators know how the freezing temperatures, power outages, and water shortages have impacted you and your family. So we’re inviting you to share your written and video testimony as we demand answers for Texans.

Your powerful stories will be shared publicly with Gov. Abbott, ERCOT, and the hearing officials on the day of the hearing so that your voice can be heard. #AbbottBlackout


TOP in the news

Texas Tribune: Gov. Abbott prioritized changing how bail is set. He isn’t addressing people stuck behind bars because they can’t afford to pay.

Telemundo San Antonio: Inquilinos denuncian problemas de moho en complejo de apartamentos

TOP is YOUR organization!

Your contribution drives our work and allows us to fight for our neighborhoods every day.


Plug in to our Right2Justice meetings this week

Live in Bexar or Dallas counties and want to transform our legal system? Join our online campaign meetings this week!

During these meetings, we’ll share with you the progress of our justice reform efforts at the local level and strategize on our work for the months ahead, from fighting mass incarceration, to enacting bail reform, to ending police brutality.

Bexar County Right2Justice meeting
Tuesday, February 9, at 5 p.m.
Facebook event with more info
For more information, call or text Dan Stanford at (210) 765-8435.

Dallas County Right2Justice meeting
Thursday, February 11, at 6 p.m.
Facebook event with more info
For more information, call or text Carvell Bowens at (214) 934-8558.

TOP in the news

Raw Story: Democrats are ‘clearly poised’ for a Georgia-like victory in Texas: journalist

TOP is YOUR organization!

Your contribution drives our work and allows us to fight for our neighborhoods every day.


Police accountability will officially be on the ballot in San Antonio

San Antonians have spoken and they’re calling for more police accountability in our communities. After months of petitioning across the city, the San Antonio City Clerk’s office last week verified that our ally Fix SAPD gathered the petition signatures needed to get the repeal of Texas Local Government Code Chapter 174 on the ballot for this May’s municipal election!

Because of the longtime existence of Texas Local Government Code Chapters 174 and 143, it’s nearly impossible to hold bad police officers and the institutions that enable them accountable for their actions.

That’s why TOP is supporting Fix SAPD in this effort, because to make true public safety a reality in our communities, we need to get rid of barriers that shield problematic police officers and their misconduct.

Now that the repeal of Chapter 174 will soon be on the ballot, JOIN US FOR A DIGITAL CAMPAIGN KICKOFF this Thursday, February 11, at 6 p.m.


For more information, call or text Jasmine Estrada at (210) 542-2262.

TOP in the news

Raw Story: Democrats are ‘clearly poised’ for a Georgia-like victory in Texas: journalist

TOP is YOUR organization!

Your contribution drives our work and allows us to fight for our neighborhoods every day.


Celebrating Black history this month and every month

Since our nation’s founding, Black Americans have been the cornerstone to its meteoric rise, the reason for its prosperity, and the protectors of its democracy. All the while, our communities continue to endure the many devious forms of white supremacy that seek to diminish us. While forces may try, we will never be defeated and our spirits never broken.

This Black History Month, TOP is celebrating the lives, contributions, and sacrifices of our ancestors whose resilience and tenacity shaped us into who we are today. We invite you to join us.

Through the end of February, we are commemorating each day a figure whose work has gotten us closer to true Black liberation.

Follow along on TOP’s Facebook page daily here!

TOP in the news

The Nation: This Is Why Texas Is The Next Georgia

KXAN: Advocates of undocumented immigrants criticize Texas AG’s lawsuit to halt Biden’s deportation freeze

TOP is YOUR organization!

Your contribution drives our work and allows us to fight for our neighborhoods every day.


Rejoicing as Ben Spencer is almost free

TOP members are excited about the news this past week of Ben Spencer being closer to getting back his freedom. Ben is the son of longtime TOP member Lucille Spencer who for over 30 years has fought to get justice after his wrongful conviction.

Over the last six months, members have ramped up pressure with petitions, rallies, phone-a-thons, and a letter-writing campaign to make sure Ben gets his shot at freedom.

This progress would not be possible if it were not for the grassroots organizing of our members, ongoing support from community allies, Ben’s legal team, and the Dallas County District Attorney’s office supporting that the conviction be vacated.

TOP will continue to follow Ben’s journey and advocate for his full freedom so he can finally hug his mother Lucille after all these years. Stay tuned!

For more information on our Right2Justice campaign work in support of Ben, call or text Carvell Bowens at (214) 934-8558.

TOP in the news

The Nation: This Is Why Texas Is The Next Georgia

KXAN: Advocates of undocumented immigrants criticize Texas AG’s lawsuit to halt Biden’s deportation freeze

TOP is YOUR organization!

Your contribution drives our work and allows us to fight for our neighborhoods every day.


A TOP shoutout in The Nation

Organizing is how Texas becomes the next Georgia

Read all about it: This past Friday, TOP’s year-round organizing and voter engagement work to put more power in the hands of Black and Latino Texans was featured in The Nation!

Just as Steve Phillips, founder of Democracy in Color, highlights in his article, “The next state that is most clearly poised for a Georgia-like trajectory is Texas.”

Using the TOP playbook focused on expanding the Black and Latino electorate, Stacey Abrams and community organizers across Georgia poured their heart and soul into not only a presidential election, but two Senate races that as we all know reaped BIG rewards.

“The Texas Organizing Project is playing a similar linchpin role in Texas,” emphasizes Steve.

Every day through scaling up our work, we are getting closer toward flipping Texas.

DONATE TODAY to fuel our voter engagement work in 2021 and beyond!

TOP in the news

The Nation: This Is Why Texas Is The Next Georgia

KXAN: Advocates of undocumented immigrants criticize Texas AG’s lawsuit to halt Biden’s deportation freeze

TOP is YOUR organization!

Your contribution drives our work and allows us to fight for our neighborhoods every day.